When Ari was younger, I loved it less. I didn't hate it or anything, but I was fairly ambivalent. It had its good points and bad points, and mostly it just was. I definitely approved of it for health reasons- how it kept my baby healthy through months of me and Thad passing colds and fevers back and forth, and also how it got me back to pre-pregnancy weight in just a few weeks. I especially approved of it because I'm lazy, and the concept of having to fuss with bottles or (god forbid!) actually wake up in the middle of the night to feed the baby just sounded like unnecessary horribleness.
But I didn't really feel terribly positive towards it or anything. But lately, the last month or two, I've really been just loving it. It probably has a lot to do with how much more independent my baby is these days. I don't get to just snuggle her that often anymore... not even when she sleeps. So I love the times I get to just sit in a chair and hold my baby close to me.
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