Fast forward again another month- now Ari's nearly 3 months old. This is one of the very first times she did the monkey kneeling kind of nursing. Now, of course, she'll crawl up to me and latch herself on while on all fours! This position is kind of a comfy, laid back, sprawly kind of nursing- but I think it would only work if the baby has a decent latch, or their head would pop off the boob.

This is the night of the same day above. You can see how much she's grown from the very first picture.
I took this picture because I wanted to remember how it was to have my little baby girl snuggled up against me and nursing to sleep. Nursing to sleep is controversial in baby-rearing circles, I guess. But for me, having my sweet baby snuggled against me, her eyes slowly closing, is an experience I'll treasure forever.
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