She's getting to be a really big girl these days. She's cut down nursing alot in favor of solids- it all happened rather quickly, which was odd for me. One month, she was nearly exclusively nursed, and the next, she was eating three full meals a day, plus snacks. Even though she's nursing less, though, she's still firmly into the four or five times a day that she still nurses.
Now, we're starting to work on toddler nursing manners, though. *roll eyes*
1 comment:
Julia, it's Ez. I just wanted to say that I love this blog. Seeing the beautiful Ari growing so fast in these photos is amazing. It helps me keep perspective on how quickly PJ is growing and I take comfort in knowing that I am not alone in the awe that our children inspire in us. Thank you for a beautiful blog. The boobs are pretty nice too. LOL. Take care. ; )
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